DNS Certified Exercise Trainers

DNS Certified Exercise Trainers are Health, Fitness, and Sport Professionals who have satisfactorily completed the required DNS Exercise Training coursework consisting of DNS Exercise Courses I, II and III. They have passed the practical testing associated with their training, and have demonstrated competency in both knowledge and skill execution in the application of the DNS Exercise assessment & training principles. They have earned the title "Certified DNS Exercise Trainer" (DNSET) issued by the Prague School of Rehabilitation, Prague, Czech Republic.

Hong Kong




South Korea


LI HAU YU, NASM-CES,NASM-CPT,NKT L2,DNS,FMS,CAFS,CrossFit L2 Trainer henrytimebalancefitness1@gmail.com

1F., No. 131, Linsen S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., , taipei , Zhongzheng Dist., , www.instagram.com/p/Co9i-XPPxYW/?igshid=
Hung Yu (Kenny), Hsiao, MPT, DNSET, JCSS medix88@gmail.com

No.371-2, Duxing Rd., North District, , Taichung, 40461, www.fascia.com.tw
Jia Ji Hsieh, OTR/L , ACSM-CPT, NASM -CES ,DNSET, FMS , SFMA jjhsieh71@gmail.com

N 186 Sec 2 Xingyi RD, Taipei, 100,
Chih-Yu Matt Hsu, ACE CPT, SFG, SFB, FMS, Personal Trainer free7333@gmail.com

no.24 ln.24 sanmin 1st street, Taichung, 412, Taiwan www.facebook.com/BeStrongMate/
JenChun (Victoria) Huang, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Gyrokinesis Instructor vic0214@yahoo.com
Wei Hung, Dr. Redcord Acitve instructor, DNSET, EMT2 hongweiarcher@hotmail.com

雙十路一段十六號 國立台灣體育運動大學, 運動健康科學學系, 台中市, 404, National Taiwan University of Sports, Department of Exercise and Health Science www.facebook.com/hongweiarcher
NaiYun (Cleo) Chang, Bachelor of KMUSM, DNSET, ACE-CPT, NASM-CPT, NKT, FMS, CrossfitTrainer c771231chang@gmail.com
+886 952-221789

林森南路131號, Taipei , 100, instagram.com/cs_cleo
ChihYen Cheng, MPT, DNSET adlers0615@gmail.com
(+886) 02-25216043

No. 19, Ln. 127, Sec. 2, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, 104, adlers.tw/
Chin-Lun(Allen) Liu, DNSET, NASM CES, SFMA , FMS wecarefitness.kh@gmail.com

No.1437, Hesi 1st Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung. wecarefitnesskh.blogspot.com
HAN CHIANG (Hank) LIU, Doctor of TCM, DNSET, Yoga Instructor hankliu0516@gmail.com
+886 2 2547 5266

11F., No. 259, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Taipei City, 105020, Taiwan (R.O.C.) www.instagram.com/hank_liu456/
Ella Tsai, DNSET ella27x@gmail.com

黎明路三段1210號, Taiching , 407, www.instagram.com/ella_eeella
Dino,Ling Yu Tseng, NSCA CPT dino14253679@gmail.com

No.9, Aly. 2, Ln. 30, Hulin St., Xinyi Dist


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