DNS Certified Exercise Trainers

DNS Certified Exercise Trainers are Health, Fitness, and Sport Professionals who have satisfactorily completed the required DNS Exercise Training coursework consisting of DNS Exercise Courses I, II and III. They have passed the practical testing associated with their training, and have demonstrated competency in both knowledge and skill execution in the application of the DNS Exercise assessment & training principles. They have earned the title "Certified DNS Exercise Trainer" (DNSET) issued by the Prague School of Rehabilitation, Prague, Czech Republic.


Robbie Aardoom, robbie@secondselfacademy.com.au

5/2-4 Joseph Street, Blackburn North, VICTORIA 3130 www.secondselfacademy.com.au
Robyn Alvarez, pilatesbodyshop@yahoo.com.au

18 Bluewave Cres, Forresters Beach, 2260, www.pilatesbodyshop.com.au
Amy Baker, amy@bodyinline.com.au

5b/25 Noble Street, Gerringong, 2534, www.bodyinline.com.au
Dr Gordon Benz, BSc, MChiro (chiropractor), Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Paediatrics info@benzchiropractic.com.au
(08) 9439 1444

35 Meares Ave, Kwinana, WA , 6167. www.benzchiropractic.com
Rodrigo Berthona Perez, Holistic coach, Surf Movement specialist rodrigobertonha@hotmail.com

106/87 Griffith street, Coolangatta , Gold Coast , 4225, QLD holisticph.com
Meredith Brooks, focused@wellcentred.com.au

82 West Street North Sydney NSW www.wellcentred.com.au
Gabriella Duffy, B.App.Sc.Physiotherapy, Postgrad Dip. Sports Physiotherapy, Dip of Professional Pilates Practice info@pilateswest.com.au

EarthPoint Energy Centre1/87 Brown Street East Perth WA 6004 & 5/103 Colin Street West Perth WA 6005 www.pilateswest.com.au
Jo Eason, B. Health and Rehab Science cygnetpilates@gmail.com

Cygnet Pilates and Movement Studio 30 Lymington Road, Cygnet, TAS, 7112
Zachary Ghabrial, Physiotherapist zac@leaphealth.com.au

117 Swanston st, New Town, Tas, 7008 leaphealth.com.au/
Lotte V Hansen, Chiropractor lvhansen@icloud.com
(02) 43239100

Central Coast Spinal Care Centre Riverside Park - Office Tower/Ground Floor 69 Central Coast Highway WEST GOSFORD NSW 2250 www.ccscc.com.au
Shaka Hatcher, DC info@bundillafamilychiro.com

1/168 Brisbane Rd. , Mooloolaba, 4557, www.bundillafamilychiropractic.com
Jason Chan, Physiotherapist, ASCA Strength & Conditioning Coach jasonchanphysio@gmail.com

Chatswood & Sydney CBD, NSW Instagram: @Understand.rehab
Dr Alecia Chan DC, M.Clin.Chiro, B.Chiro.Sc, BBA, Dip.Mktg, Accredited Yoga Instructor ChiroYogaAlignment@gmail.com
+614 0289 6804 微信 aleciachan

39 Laurel Drive, Helensvale, QLD, 4212, Australia ChiroYogaAlignment.com
Christine Lavelle, BAppSci. Romana's Pilates Level IV. Principal Trainer Pilates Alliance of Australasia. chrislavelle07@gmail.com
61 412652409

89 Lackersteens RD, Somersby, New South Wales, 2250, Australia
Ciaran Lavers, Chiropractor ciaran_lavers@hotmail.com

Nineways Chiropractic Unit 1, 7-9 Lambton Road Broadmeadow NSW 2292 www.ninewayschiropractic.com.au/
Molly Lowther, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, BSci (ExerRehab); MExerMed (Oncology) molly@theepgroup.com.au
(03) 9029 5590 

32 Ellis Street, South Yarra VIC 3141 www.theepgroup.com.au/
Kim Mackinnon, ThinkPilates Studio owner. Advanced Diploma of Pilates kim@thinkpilates.com.au

Suite12 495 Dean Street, CML Building Albury, NSW, 2640, Australia www.thinkpilates.com.au
Victoria MacLean, The Pilates Studios owner. Diploma of Clinical Pilates info@wellnessonwilliam.com.au

106 William St, Rockhampton, Queensland, 4700, www.wellnessonwilliam.com.au/thepilatess
Marcelle Malan, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, MSc (Hons) Human Movement. marcelle@marcellemalan.com
03 9029 5590

The EP Group, 32 Ellis Street, South Yarra, Melbourne, VIC, 3141 www.theepgroup.com.au
Mark McGrath, Movement Coach/Bodywork/Sports Performance Coach/Rehab Specialist mark@markmcgrath.com.au

Level 2/349 Chapel St, Prahran, 3181 VIC www.markmcgrath.com.au
Birgitta Moloney, Ms b@pilatesboutique.com.au

Sunbury/Melbourne www.pilatesboutique.com.au
Emily O'Sullivan, Pilates Instructor growpilatesyoga@gmail.com

Ascot Vale, Melbourne, Victoria
Kathryn Phillips, BSc(OT), Accredited Hand Upper Limb Therapist (AHTA), Cert Soft Tissue Injury Management kathryn@bodyflexot.com.au
(08) 9383 7690 

1b/296 Cambridge St, , Wembley, WA, 6014, www.bodyflexot.com.au
Christopher James Prosser, B.Sc. B.App.Sc (Chiro) C.C.S.P. cprosser@worldsurfleague.com
+61 405 320 555

2/ 2387 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach, 4218, QLD
Lora Rainey, Exercise Scientist/ Advanced Pilates Practitioner lora.rainey@gmail.com

Spine & Sports Centre East Perth 14 Wickham St. East Perth, WA 6004 www.spineandsports.clinic
Tracy-Ann Smith, Injury & Rehab Podiatrist portfairypodiatry@gmail.com tracy@fromthefeetup.com.au

From the Feet Up Sports and Podiatry Clinic ,10 Emma Avenue, Warrnambool, Victoria , 3280. www.fromthefeetup.com.au
Iris Tan, B.Sc. M.Clinical (Chiro) info@iosas.com.au

INSTITUTE OF SPORTS AND SPINES 820, OLD CLEVELAND ROAD, CARINA, 4103 QUEENSLAND www.instituteofsportsandspines.com.au
Brad Taylor, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Workplace Injury Prevention & Rehab Specialist, High Performance Injury Prevention & Rehab Coach brad@theepgroup.com.au
03 9029 5590

32 Ellis St, South Yarra, VIC 3141 www.theepgroup.com.au
Monique Telfer, DNS and Pilates Trainer moniquetelfer@gmail.com

Stanthorpe, QLD. www.metapilates.com.au
Kirsti Viitala, APEI Pilates Instructor and DNS Certified Exercise Trainer kirsti@kirstipilatestoyou.com.au

1d Thistle Grove, Highett , 3190, www.kirstipilatestoyou.com.au/
Eve Ward, APEI Pilates Teacher & Teacher Trainer and DNS Certified Exercise Trainer eve@mepilates.com.au

447-449 South Road, Bentleigh, Vic, 3204 www.mepilates.com.au
Rebecca Williams, beckywilliams@live.com.au

1/7-9 Lambton Road, Broadmeadow, 2292, NSW 2/3 Lovejoy St, Mudgee, 2850, NSW

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