
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization according to Kolar (DNS)
A Developmental Kinesiology Approach

DNS Movement Skills for Seniors

July 8 - 9, 2018

2 - Day Course 

Exact location TBA


Martina Jezkova, MPT

Course Payment and Organization

Tesseract Centre for Advanced Movement Intelligence

Course objectives

Utilizing DNS to stimulate optimal movement efficiency in elderly clients

Combination of movement and manual techniques to prepare the following areas as we integrate the global patterns:

Foot (Toe Threading, Tripod/standing push off)

Hip (Counter rotation hip and head with arm differentiation, side lying posterior reach) 

Thoracic Spine (Uprighting, segmental movement in mid thoracic spine)

Breathing Exercises

Review of Sagittal Stabilization - Workshopping 

Developmental Sequence: 

Individual Active Exercises/Developmental positions - (Prone and Supine) 

DNS Movement Sequence for elderly

Starting from “Ipsilateral” - Supine

Starting from “Contralateral” - Prone

Take the class through random sequences focusing on variability of movement suitable for elderly population

Czech Get Up for seniors

Each position individually - no weight

Transitioning through the whole sequence for elderly

General Terms and Conditions
