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1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. General Principles
1. Postisometric Relaxation of Movement Restriction in the Lumbar Spine
2. Combination of Postisometric Techniques with other Physiological Procedures
3. Making Use of the Eyes to Evoke Straightening up or Bending Down / Relaxation
4. Making Use of Inhalation and Exhalation
5. The Influence of Gravity, the Triceps, Self-treatment
6. Reciprocal Inhibition
7. Combination of All Methods, Quadratus Lumborum
3. The Orofacial System
1. Palpation of TrPs in Orofacial Region
2. Examination of the Hyoid and Thyroid Cartilages
3. Relaxation of Most of the Masticatory Muscles
4. Relaxation of Most of the Masticatory Muscles, Self-treatment
5. Relaxation of the External Pterygoids
6. Self-treatment of the External Pterygoids
7. Relaxation of the Digastricus
8. Relaxation of the Digastricus - Self-treatment
9. Distraction Mobilization of the Temporomandibular Joint / Mouth Opening
4. The Upper Cervical Spine
1. Segment Between Occiput and Atlas
2. Palpation of Pain Points in the Head Joints Region
3. Examination of Mobility in the Segment C0/C1.
4. Examination in C0/C1 into Lateroflexion/Retroflexion
5. Examination in C0/C1 into Rotation
6. Mobilization of the Segment C0/C1 / Mobilization into Anteflexion
7. Mobilization of the Segment C0/C1 / Mobilization into Latero-Flexion
8. Mobilization of the Segment C0/C1 / Mobilization into Retroflexion
9. Self-treatment of the Retroflexion and Latero-Flexion
10. Self-treatment into Side Bending
11. Short Neck Extensors - Muscular Relaxation
12. Short Neck Extensors - Self-treatment
13. Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle
14. Mobilization of the Atlas Against the Axis
15. Jirout’s Manoeuvre - Restricted Rotation in C1-C2-C3
5. The Cervical Spine C1 - C7
1. The Cervical Spine C1 - C7 - Introduction
2. Cervical Spine - Examination and Mobilization
3. Gayman’s Rule - Mobilization into Lateroflexion
4. Mobilization into Lateroflexion, Self-treatment
5. Rotation of the Cervical Spine
6. Cervical Traction
7. Cervical Traction - Patient Seated
6. The Cervico-Thoracic Junction
1. The Cervico-Thoracic Junction - Introduction
2. Movement Restriction Dorsal Shift
3. Lateroflexion
4. Mobilization of the Patient as He Lies
5. Rotation Mobilization
6. Thrust Manipulation
7. Self-mobilization into Rotation
8. Self-mobilization - Shifting the Head Backwards
7. Muscle Relaxation in the Cervical Region
1. Upper Trapezius
2. Upper Trapezius - Relaxation
3. Upper Trapezius - Reciprocal Inhibition
4. Levator Scapulae
5. Levator Scapulae - Alternative Technique
6. Levator Scapulae - Self-treatment
7. TrPs in the Middle Trapezius
8. Middle Trapezius - PIR
9. Middle Trapezius - Self-treatment
10. The Examination of the Scalenes - Erb’s Point
11. PIR of the Scalenes - Seated
12. Scalenes - Self-treatment
13. TrPs in the Supraspinatus
14. Relaxation of the Supraspinatus
15. Relaxation of the Supraspinatus - Self-treament
16. TrPs of the Infraspinatus
17. Infraspinatus - Relaxation - Self-treament
18. TrPs of the Subscapularis
19. Subscapularis - Relaxation - Self-treament
20. Subscapularis - Relaxation - Restricted Abduction
21. Deep Neck Flexors
22. Deep Neck Flexors - Relaxation
23. Deep Neck Flexors - Relaxation Supine
24. Deep Neck Flexors – Correct Neck Flexion
25. Deep Neck Flexors - Training
26. The First Rib
27. The First Rib - Springing from Above
28. The First Rib - Mobilization
29. The First Rib - Self-treatment
30. The First Rib - Mobilization by Springing or by a Thrust
31. Credits & Copyright

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